Friday, 9 October 2015

Tracing the Tree: Experiences and Tricks

By now you've probably noticed that my posts are either personal, reviews, or something to do with feminism.
I haven't been active the past few months because of technical issues and the fact I was jumping from country to country but I'm officially back!

Anyway, lets talk about genealogy.

So over a year ago I decided to cross something off of my bucket list, and that was to finally trace my lineage. Growing up I was always quite limited in the way of family, in comparison to all my friends. In school people always had 30 cousins and knew who their 2nd cousins once removed were, but I never exactly  had a  clue. I knew immediate 1st cousins and aunts and uncles and that was it. People could also claim relatives in Australia, America, England, Canada, and so on, whereas I couldn't.
Up until last year.

Here is a list of things I learned which I hope you find useful.

Unknown Web Developer

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