Monday, 28 April 2014

Women Can't Fucking Swear?!

So while I sit around waiting to watch the new episode of Game of Thrones (because living in the UK can have its cons) I have decided to write a post on a thing that has long irked me.
The fact that people think I can't swear.
Fuck that.
Yes, I'm a female and yes sometimes swearing can be fucking disgusting (see what I did there). But there are so many things that can be said on the topic. Why is it men are less likely to be shouted for swearing? Personally I love to swear, I do it like a sailor and I'm not even aware that I'm doing it most of the time (as my friend once pointed out on the train). Going back to Game of Thrones for a second, one of my favourite lines was when Robert Baratheon said 'Piss on that!' I've taken to saying it too. Hey, I'm so sassy sometimes that I walk in saying 'Waddup bitches!'

Don't worry. I'm not vain, I just like a good sarcastic laugh.
I'm a feminist. I'm not a radical one that says that men are the enemy. I just agree that we should all be seen as equals and that if I want to swear, drink and smoke then I shouldn't be frowned upon for doing so. As I have mentioned in a previous post, I sorta live by the book How To Be A Woman. And within those pages the author talks about encountering sexism and beginning a policy of asking 'do the men do it?'
I find this to be quite a good policy actually.
Think about it. If we, as women, don't shave and accidentally gain a few pounds then everyone jumps up and goes 'you're getting a bit chubby' or 'wow you got some meat on your bones'. Men are repulsed at the idea of a woman having hair on her legs, even though they have it themselves. Women can't be expected to be perfect at every second of everyday. We aren't there just to serve men and appeal to them. Just as we aren't here to be told that we can't fucking swear.
Another of my favourite phrases was something that I began to say around September. This phrase is 'shit the bed' and one of my good friends has currently taking to declaring it also. It's actually quite amusing to watch. It makes me feel proud of myself, passing on a legacy of forever swearing females.
And swearing has also been seen as a proven method of pain relief. If you don't believe me, you should check out the link on the bottom of this post. But if I forget to add it, Stephen Fry did it and you should look it up. But really, if its a pain reliever, then why shouldn't women be entitled to it, we do bleed once a month and give men children after all! I haven't gone through the pain of child birth, but that shit looks hard man. And it'd be bullshit if women were allowed gas and air, epidurals and painkillers, yet no right to swear.
Debra Morgan from Dexter, as played by Jennifer Carpenter
Apparently it's not 'lady like' but if we didn't have women swearers, then we wouldn't have such legendary characters like Deborah Morgan from Dexter, not to mention real life celebrity women who aren't afraid to push society's boundaries and let lose, such as Lily Allen and Courtney Love. 
So let lose my fellow females!
Don't fear four letter words!
In fact, make them as fucking colourful as possible!
Shit that bed
Fuck that bucket
And above all, enjoy every single moment of that shit!
We are independent women, ladies, and if a man doesn't like your mouth or the way you speak, then that's a man that ain't worth it and you need to dump his ass because you are worth so much more.


Link to the Swear Test:

All pictures don't belong to me and all credit goes towards respected photographers and companies. This is a none profit blog.

If you have any inquiries, just message me in the comments and I'll get back to you. Feedback is always welcome
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Feminist Idols

Before I begin, I just want to say that I was reading a 'how to' article on running a successful blog and it said something along the lines of 'write self help articles for your readers' and 'don't jump from irrelevant topic to irrelevant topic'. So before I begin, I'd just like to state that I may, now and again, commit this oh so heinous crime, and write a little something about a horrible day, or about how much I love a certain celebrity......well maybe not the latter, that may be turned into an odd article on obsession.

But enough of that, my feminist idols is who you're here for.

I thought that I would discuss my top three for this article:

 the first being the fabulous Caitlin Moran.

When I was 16, I was turned on to the book 'How To Be a Woman' written by this fabulous dame. I had the book read within two days, and couldn't stop telling my mother all about it. In fact, I think that it gave me the confidence to talk about really personal girl things like the menstrual cycle, for example. Before I had read the book I'd just be doubled over in pain and really shy going 'Mam...mam....Can I have painkillers?....why?'s my time for the thing!"
After reading the first half of the book, I could say the words 'fat,period, and feminist'.In fact I talk to my roommate about everything now, and I mean everything. I've never read a self help book. I may be a college student studying psychology in England, but to be honest, I don't buy into it, all that self help malarky is just a DIY on your cognitive habits. And that's the beauty of this book!
I hadn't gone looking for it, but it had found me! And at the right time too, before I moved to England and could feel self conscious among city girls in their designer clothes and perfect make up and hair at nine in the morning. On top of it all though, it brought me closer to my mother (which is a long story).
Anywho, after reading the book, and agreeing with everything that was said in it, I was confident and ready to face the world. Don't get me wrong, we all have bad days, but I still have moments when I think about the bit in the book that says that people should compliment others more often in order to brighten up their day, and it really works!

But this is a post on idols, not book reviews, although I may do one someday with a complete breakdown of books I have read and loved. This is a post on feminist idols and about the amazing Ms. Moran.

Upon finishing the book I decided that I wanted to be just like her when I reached adulthood (which I have by now). I wanted to be this person (hair and all, but that also goes into my next idol on the list). Like this idol of mine, I had a busy household with siblings and shared bedrooms. People are terrified when I eat fast, but its just the way I was raised. It was a case of snatch and grab because we always had to race for food before everything was gone. I was a recluse that never went around my housing estate, and fictional worlds were my main escape.

But this woman has said a huge FUCK YOU to the patriarchal system in which we live and hasn't been put off of sharing her opinions and ideas, instead becoming a journalist and printing these views in the funniest ways possible. Strong willed, fast talker, and shameless, this is a woman that I will always look up to. On top of spreading the good news of feminism, I also admire how she has slammed stereotypical radical views, and rather than burn a bra (which I'd love to do on the basis that they can hurt) she has settled down with a family of her own, showing that feminism isn't about women coming out on top, it's about equality and women doing what they want to do without being frowned at for it. If women want to have a career and never get married, they should have the right to do so, and if they want to have a family, they should as well. They should never do things just because society expects them to.
All in all, she is definitely someone that I would love to go on a night out with, or at least stay in with a cup of tea....or a bottle of wine, whichever floats your boat.

Next up, the Quirky Kate......Nash, that is.

Ranging from songs about stalking crushes and silent,black dress wearing girls, to songs about falling out with your best friend, and rapping about social inequalities of the genders, this is your woman. If you want something with a simple piano tune, or an empowered female screaming into a mic, she is definitely the go-to gal.

And, going back to my earlier point on hair, she also had Caitlin's style of having a white streak of hair contrasting against the rest of her dark hair (although full credit goes to Caitlin for starting the trend). It's gone now though, Kate went pink.
I first found this woman circa 2009 and saw her live last October. I must say, you should see her if you ever get a chance. She's wild, energetic, obviously inspired by the next woman on my list, and easily creates a kick ass atmosphere whenever she rocks out.
Also like Caitlin, Kate helps people to reclaim words that society has deemed unacceptable for young ladies. Not only is it unlady like to swear (and I do it like a sailor) it is also wrong, apparently, to use derogatory words like 'slut' and 'whore' if you're a woman. What society forgets is, when us females are really close, it's how we greet each other. We're not exactly serious when we say it, unless we see our arch nemesis in an amazing pair of shoes. Life isn't like Mean Girls, where we all have a secret vindictive agenda and mean what we say when we great each other with insults, we use them so we can learn to brush them off instead. My roommate has called me a slut more times than I can count, and if you were to even try it now, it wouldn't affect me.
After finishing her hit song 'Do-Wah-Doo' Kate then proceeded to spend the next minute walking around the stage saying 'bitch bitch bitch bitch'. And she was so happy doing it! It was adorable! I can't listen to that song anymore without having a smile on my  face!
The entire Girl Talk album is one big rant on behalf of women, and it's an amazing thing, seriously why isn't it platinum yet?! I'm actually waiting for her to work with Lily Allen, that would make my day.
And with that quirky gal of sunshine, I shall now end with my last feminist idol!

The glamorous, no shit taking, and I quote 'testosterone in a dress', Ms. Courtney Love Cobain!

I know I know, some people are probably reading this like 'seriously?!', but if you move away from the conspiracy theories for a second and look at the bigger picture, you'll see where I'm coming from, so bare with me.

She didn't have the best childhood, she had to do all she could to survive, and remained a strong and confident woman. She knew what she wanted to do, she admitted on a few occasions that she can't sing, yet she is still a multi-million record selling woman! She does what she loves, she doesn't take shit, she's honest, even sometimes brutally so. And she's so funny, if anyone here has seen her YouTube Channel. And despite all of the rumors and allegations around her, she still continues on, tells the world to fuck off, and enjoys life.

And people will turn around and say 'yeah but the drugs'.
Yes. I won't deny it. She into them, but so has Keith Richards, and Ozzy, but does anyone care about them doing a line of coke? No! But once Courtney does heroine, or once Stevie Nicks does coke, people just go insane. Her life was in a dark place and she fell, but we all fall. Some people get drunks, other people do worse things, but she pulled out of it for her daughter, she's been clean, and yes she starts fights and goes to court, but that's because she won't take anything sitting down. If you slap Courtney Love, you'll get a black eye, and that's precisely the reason I love her.

And honestly, she's a gifted lyricist, I love her new track and I can't wait to see her in Manchester next month.

And that's what I admire about all of these women. They remember that life is short and precious and that you can only do things if you make them happen. The only person that limits you in life is yourself, and while I may dream of writing a successful screenplay (which I have to begin because I'm that lazy) I still make sure that I enjoy myself when I get side tracked and turn to fanfiction instead!
This idea of life being so short has made these women ignore the haters, say a big giant FUCK YOU to people who put them down and continue to do what they love and enjoy themselves, ignoring mysogny and sexism.

I want the toughness of Courtney, the wittiness of Caitlin and the confidence of Kate.
Courtney, Caitlin, Kate (great alliterations eh?)

And thanks to these women I am, to quote Kate, "An independent women of the 21st century"


I do not own any of the pictures used in this post, and all credit goes towards respected photgraphers and companies

Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Manipulative Feminism to Beat the Cheeky Patriarchs.

Manipulative Feminism to Beat the Cheeky Patriarchs.

Firstly, welcome to the blog and my first ever post.
In case you don't know, I'm a college gal in England. I was raised in a village in the middle of nowhere and busy Liverpool has been a huge culture shock for me. While all of the girls (or most) shop in River Island or Top Shop, I revert to Primark and secondhand shops. But don't  go thinking that I'm a country bumpkin though, if anything I'm a harsh little leprechaun that swears like a sailor.
But don't worry, this information is relevent...okay maybe not the swearing bit.

Now. That's all sorted.

Today began too early for me. I had to be in Liverpool for 9am, was told I had a test first thing, and ended my 9-4 day with Math and History. On the way out of college, I had to go to the desk to collect this terms Train Pass, and in doing so I was pushed to the back of the line, by a guy and his friends.
I'm a Feminist, but I'm not a radical one. If it had been a group of girls that had done it, I'd be just as equally pissed. But when it happened, I was so angry that I wondered what I could of done to have changed the outcome of that scenario, and I reached the conclusion that if I had worn make up, smiled and perhaps even wore a dress (even though I wore one yesterday) these guys would have left me in my original space.

I was also reminded of a piece of advice my mother gave me when I was a child, when she was driving us home from a day of shopping. She had been trying to pull the car out and needed a fellow driver to let her out, in order to follow a line of cars, and it had been a male driver to let her pass, to which she jokingly said to me "When you drive, make sure to catch the eye of a nice male driver".

Perhaps, if I go against my own lazy morals, and dress up more often and put more effort into my appearance, people will be nicer towards me, or leave me be, instead of push me to the back of the queue. I've been dolled up before and had random passers-by smile (and I admit it's a confidence booster). Also, I refuse to believe that women should go against their own morals for a man, but if I were to do this, I'm in control. I'm getting something out of it, it may not be a full respect and I may be objectified, but I may feel like Marilyn Monroe. People found her to be dim-witted and stupid, yet she was a certified genius that always read, and rarely read fiction at that. She revolutionized feminism in film (pushing the boundaries when it came to wearing clothes on screen) and was also a huge supporter of equal rights.

The only thing that holds me back, is the fact that I'm lazy and would have to wake up at the crack of dawn to apply cheap make up to my face in order to manipulate people, be they women or cheaky men who think they can do what they want, like cheat and skip queues.

I don't want to be one of the girls that starve themselves to pay for Top Shop designer clothes and gets spots because my pores become clogged with make up. I like cheap, outdated, vintage clothing and I like stuffing my face, and even though I may change and put more effort into my appearance and look in the mirror and see myself as being a bit heavy in places, the rest of me will never change. I will forever be the blogging, procrastinating slob that I've always been. After all, it's get my eyebrows done or read fanfiction. And I think we both know which one will win out at this stage.

And the best part, these strangers don't even know they've been mentioned in a I didn't miss my train.


I do not own photographers used in this post and all credit and copyright rights goes towards respected photographers and companies.

Unknown Web Developer

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